The North East’s local independent experts in espresso machinery
We Are Puckster
We’ve been selling, servicing and repairing espresso machines and grinders for more than twenty years and we can help you make the right equipment choices for your business. We sell all major brands of machine but specialise in Conti, Kees van der Westen and Victoria Arduino.
Whatever your aspirations for your coffee we can source, install and maintain the right machine for your business. We are happy to assist whether you’re just getting started or you’re a long-established business looking to replace or upgrade your equipment. We have machinery customers all over the North East and Scottish Borders and if you ask around you’ll find plenty of people who know us by our previous name, “Coffee Repair Guy”.
Kath, Sales and Administration
When you buy machinery from us we install and commission it for you free-of-charge, complete a statutory Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 commission report & register you on the CoffeeSafe scheme. We take our responsibilities to you seriously and ensure you are working safe, legal and supported. When it’s time for annual servicing and PSSR2000 inspection we’ll remind you and attend at a time that works for you.
Espresso Machines
We specialise in espresso machines from Conti, Kees van der Westen and Victoria Arduino and we’re factory-trained on these and other leading brands. We have our preferences from the many quality grinders available now but, equally, if you know what you want we can get it for you. We also supply water boilers, auto-tampers and other hot beverage equipment as well as all the bits and bobs a barista might need.
The Conti Range
We love these stylish, capable and reliable machines and have an excellent relationship with the UK distributor. We can provide next day delivery on most models and hold a full range of spares for every machine. From the Ultima to the Compact, all Conti machines come with an energy-saving eco-mode which allows boiler temperature to be held at 60°C overnight or at quiet times, meaning a quicker start in the morning and less stress on the boiler than heating from cold every time.
Kees van der Westen
Hand-built in the Netherlands, these beautiful, precision espresso machines are the ultimate marriage of form and function. There’s nothing else quite like them and, for us, this is the best you can get. All machines are hand-built to individual order with the Speedster and Slim Jim models offering a host of customisation options. Engineering excellence, refinement and attention to detail are built into these machines and you’ll own a beautiful work of art that’s a joy to use, produces amazing espresso and lets your customers know you’re really serious about coffee.
Kees’s website, keesvanderwesten.com is hugely informative and thorough so you should check it out for full details. Call or drop us a mail if you want to do more than dream.
Victoria Arduino
The Victoria Arduino brand has a long and distinguished history of technical innovation and elegant, quintessentially Italian, design. From Pier Teresina Arduino’s commissioning of artist Leonetto Cappiello to create the famous train and espresso poster in the 1920s to the present day, Victoria Arduino has been synonymous with elegant and evocative design.
The company’s current range upholds that tradition alongside a more recent commitment to sustainable manufacturing and life cycle energy-efficiency. These impressive machines with their distinctive aesthetic and intelligent, user-friendly design make a great statement in any style-conscious setting or busy coffee shop. We can supply any model from the current range but focus particularly on the Eagle One and Prima models.
Trusted by the places you love
The Cookhouse Ouseburn, Long Friday, Riley’s Fish Shack, The Free Trade Inn, The Ship Low Newton-by-the-Sea, Alnwick Garden, Ad Gefrin, The Sill National Park Discovery Centre
The Cookhouse Ouseburn, Long Friday, Riley’s Fish Shack, The Free Trade Inn, The Ship Low Newton-by-the-Sea, Alnwick Garden, Ad Gefrin, The Sill National Park Discovery Centre
North Shore Coffee Co, Pilgrim’s Coffee House Holy Island, Papii Edinburgh, Minchellas, Lobo Rojo, Aidan’s Kitchen
North Shore Coffee Co, Pilgrim’s Coffee House Holy Island, Papii Edinburgh, Minchellas, Lobo Rojo, Aidan’s Kitchen
Grinders and other kit
If you want to produce the very best espresso then start with a great grinder. We stock grinders from Compak, Mahlkonig, Victoria Arduino Mythos and Fiorenzato. Talk to us about the options and we’ll get you the best grinder for your needs and budget.
In busy premises an auto-tamper can take the strain, guarantee consistency and speed workflow. We stock the Compak Cube and Puqpress.
Essential if you plan to offer tea. Despite what some salespeople will tell you, your espresso machine should not be used for making tea! It’s not designed for this, will recover more slowly and be more prone to scale build-up. A water boiler is inexpensive, super energy-efficient and will make a much nicer cup of tea! We like the Marco Eco boilers; efficient, reliable and great value for money. Ask us for details.
Servicing and Repairs
When you buy from us we’re committed to looking after you every step of the way, from routine servicing to major repairs. We stock all commonly needed parts for the machines we sell so if things do go wrong we can have you back in action in no time.
Every year we’ll remind you when it’s time for your machine’s routine service and your PSSR2000 inspection. Servicing is not just about replacing rings, screens and washers it’s an opportunity to address any niggles, ensure everything is working as it should be and answer any technical questions you might have.